BLOG.007 | #TakeFlightDocumentary

Everything You Need, You Are.

Levi Silvanie
4 min readAug 13, 2017

I’m not disciplined by nature. In fact I’m used to starting something and not finishing it. Reading a book down to the very last few pages and for some reason not read it till the end. “Why? I don’t know” — I just knew that if I really want to reach my goals; I would need to become a better version of myself.

Self Awareness

We’re not born with these habits, at least I don’t think so. We pick them up along the way, the same way we pick up on walking & talking as we grow. I believe that we all have the ability to consciously shape and reshape ourselves, but most of the time it happens without us even being aware of it.

I think we learn regardlessly, everyday. Everything we are exposed to becomes an experience which leads to how we react and interact with that which we’ve experienced. So I believe that the process is universal, and I believe that awareness allows you to take the driver’s seat and become a master of your-self.

Driver’s Seat

After the life changing experience I had on Aruba back in 2012 (►Read all about it here in BLOG.006), I moved to Curaçao. I had no plan, my only goal was to take the driver seat in my own life.

Realizing that my choices weren’t making me happy, I made it my goal to improve my ability to make decisions. And to do so I had to understand what triggered my choices, basically what triggers me.

I knew I wanted to be successful in life so I sought out for examples around me and in that process I noticed one thing: success is also not a universal standard — it’s the ability identify what is your desired aim and then committing to doing what it takes to achieve it. So I needed to figure out what I wanted to be successful at.

shot by Anuar Habibe

‘Djis Mi Mes’ to ‘Gs Me Miss’

The lyrics to ‘Djis Mi Mes’ (►Listen to it Spotify) goes as follow:

In a world full of evil, I want to be good. I want to be the right thing amongst the wrong. In a world full of evil, I want to be good. In any way, I want to be simply me”.

It was not just a song where I wanted to write some positive lyrics. It came from a burning desire to actually be myself in the broadest sense, and be happy. So crazy but true, my goal wasn’t to become a great artist or a successful businessman; nope — I wanted to be simply me.

There was just one little big problem: “Does just ‘being me’ make me a living? And does it pay the bills?”, nopeand that was where ‘Gs Me Miss’ was born. I asked myself “how can I turn this whole process of bettering myself, into a stream of income?”. Not just something that will make money, but something that drives a lot of value to anyone anywhere that gets exposed to it.

How would anyone understand what I’m trying to share if they don’t know what I’m saying?

Gs Me Miss is derived from Papiamentu ‘djis mi mes’ (also the original song title), and short for it’s English pronunciation: ‘jees-­me­-miss’. Which literally translates to: simply myself.

This one-word term was created and launched in 2013 as a lifestyle brand and movement: meaning ‘the awareness and full realization of one’s true potential’. It can be used in all languages and by everyone to express love for your-self.

Gs Me Miss means “everything you need, you are” and it’s a powerful tool. It is not an excuse to remain in your comfort zone. Instead, it is first an awakening and realization, then an ongoing quest to find the perfect balance between being true to yourself + constantly questioning and challenging yourself during the process and progress of becoming a better version of you.

Gs Me Miss; uses fashion, entertainment and education as Tools of Motivation, supporting people everywhere to be self-confident and driven.

BLOG.002 shot & edited by Rafael Barragán & Joshua Verschuur of Switch Foundation & Collaborator of Nahr Media

What’s next?

I profoundly believe that we are all capable of living out our full potential, when awareness is added to the process. And I just wanna create the things that sparks awareness to your day.

From 2013 to October 2016 I spent my time defining it, and now it’s time to share it, with the you — world.

How can you be a part of this? | Follow & tag #gsmemiss in your ‘grams!

Thanks for being here and taking the time to read this blog post; it’s a real motivation. I look forward to taking you on this journey, and I’m excited to share the ups and downs with you, on my daily Instagram stories, weekly #voicenote releases on SoundCloud, the vlogs on my YouTube Channel and my blogs here on Medium. Don’t be shy to say “Hi” — I encourage you to share your thoughts, subscribe, leave a comment and pass it on… this content is for everyone.

► Watch VLOG.005 | ‘PUT IN THE WORK’ on my YouTube Channel.

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Levi Silvanie

Artist — music maker, writer & creative entrepreneur.